斯坦福大学学者Jeffrey Ball学术报告《The New Solar System》
发表时间:2018-05-09 阅读次数:载入中


       斯坦福大学学者Jeffrey Ball本周四下午来校访问,并为电气系硕士、博士做学术报告。

题目:The New Solar System

报告人:Jeffrey Ball,斯坦福大学,Scholar-in-Residence, Stanford Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance; Lecturer, Stanford Law School

时间: 5月11日下午14:00-15:00,


Abstract:Scholar-in-Residence, Stanford Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance Lecturer, Stanford Law School

Talk abstract: Solar power is surging. But it must get significantly less expensive to expand to a level that would contribute meaningfully to global carbon-reduction goals. The New Solar System, a major new report from Stanford University’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, outlines an economically efficient path to scale up solar power. Based on two years of research, The New Solar System illuminates key and little-understood changes remaking the solar enterprise in China, the center of the global solar industry. In doing so, the report busts several prevailing myths about the Chinese solar industry. Based on those findings, The New Solar System recommends changes to U.S. policy to put solar power on a more cost-effective course for the world. The changes would involve a more-nuanced U.S. approach to China — an approached that rests on each country playing to its comparative strengths.



  版权所有 @ 电力传输与功率变换教育部重点实验室(2011-2018)    沪交ICP备20121222