The Role of Power Electronics in Future Low-Inertia Power Systems
发表时间:2018-07-05 阅读次数:载入中









唐燚,博士,博士生导师,新加坡南洋理工大学电机与电子工程学院助理教授,能源研究所先进电力电子技术项目主任。2007年在武汉大学电气工程学院获学士学位,2011年在南洋理工大学获博士学位。2011年至2013年在英飞凌亚太总部任资深应用工程师,2013年至2015年在丹麦奥尔堡大学任博士后研究员,2015年3月加入南洋理工大学任终身制助理教授。主要从事电力电子技术及其在新能源,储能,电能质量,混合微电网,智能电网中的应用。共发表学术论文100余篇,SCI收录50余篇,担任IEEE JESTPE副主编,4次获得IEEE优秀论文奖。拥有美国德国专利申请8项,2012年获英飞凌顶级发明家奖。目前承担新加坡教育部,国立研究基金会,能源市场管理局,海事研究所等在研项目5项,科研经费500余万新加坡元。

题目The Role of Power Electronics in Future Low-Inertia Power Systems

摘要:Inertia plays an essential role in maintaining the frequency stability of power systems. Nevertheless, the increase of power electronics-based renewable generation can dramatically reduce the inertia levels of modern power systems. This issue has already challenged the control and stability of small-scale power systems. It will soon be faced by larger power systems as the trend of renewable integration continues. In this seminar, I will introduce the basic concept of power system inertia, and discuss the transformations and challenges of future power systems caused by the increasing deployment of renewable generation. I will then present some emerging power electronics-based solutions to the issue of reduced power system inertia. Finally, I will outline some future research opportunities and directions on this topic and conclude the role of power electronics in future low-inertia power systems.

  版权所有 @ 电力传输与功率变换教育部重点实验室(2011-2018)    沪交ICP备20121222